
Admission to these programmes will be made on these eligibility criteria of the students.

Admission office
KD College of Nursing has fully fledged admission office to assist, guide and counsel the aspirants about the process of admission to the different programme. Any person seeking the information about programmes to study at the college contact concerned person officer in person or the given phone phone numbers.

The admission coordinator can be contacted at

Application form
A candidate seeking admission in academic programme conducted by the KD College of Nursing is required to fill up the application form provided in admission brochure.

Cash payment
The admission brochure consisting of an application form can be obtained from the admission cell of KD College of Nursing on payment Rs. 1000/ in cash.

Submission of application form
Filled up application form, in all respect, should reach the Admission & Account section of KD College of Nursing.

Disciplinary rules & regulation for the students
1. Every student admitted to the Nursing course shall have to follow rules and regulations of the Nursing College.
2. Students are responsible to the Principal for their behavior, both in and outside the campus.
3. All decisions taken by the management are final and binding on the students.
4. Students should maintain silence in the classes, library, reading room and in the corridors. Students should make every effort to take care of the college and hospital property and help in maintaining the same. They should not write on the black board, scribble on tables, chairs, walls etc.
5. Students are not allowed to come directly in the Principal’s office. They can come only with the permission of the class in charge.
6. Students should greet the lecturers when they see them for the first time in the college/hospital/hostel etc.
7. If the students have any problem, they should inform the class representative and the class representative will intimate it to the class coordinators. If the problem is not solved at the class coordinator’s level, then the class coordinator will present it to the Principal. No students should by-pass the above mentioned channels. Exceptions are allowed only if the problem is utmost urgent/serious.
8. A student nurse is not allowed to receive gift or gratuity of any sort at any time from the patients of the hospital or their relatives.
9. If a student is in need to get leave from the college or hospital in the middle of a day, for any emergency, he/she should get sanction from the class coordinator and a letter to that effect must be produced from the parent or guardian.
10. Regular and punctual attendance in all class activities like lectures, demonstrations, practical, clinical teaching, tutorials, tests etc is a must.
11. As per the UPMF, INC,SNC regulations no student shall be allowed to appear in the annual examination of the concerned subject if his /her practical hospital posting and bedside clinical areas etc, the attendance should not fall short of 100% of the total session.
12. Leave of absence from the classes must be taken from the teachers.
13.In case of illness, permission shall have to be obtained from the principal to remain absent from studies.
14.The student must clear all the dues of the college & hostel before the commencement of exam; otherwise she/he will not be allowed to attend the exams.
15. Any student who damages the reputation of the college in any way is liable to be expelled. If any student discontinues the course, he/she shall clear all dues for the remaining duration of the course. If he/she fails to pay, his/her original certificates will not be returned. Original certificates will be returned at the time of leaving the college when students clear the dues.
16. Students are required to maintain ethical and professional standards in behavior both inside and outside the college, hospital, hostel and community premises.
17. Each student is responsible for the proper handling and safe custody of any apparatus or equipment that he/she may be using in different nursing labs. Misuse or negligence will result in replacement of the particular by the candidate. Any willful damage done to the property of the college and hospital will be treated as breach of discipline.
18. Students are not allowed to paste notices within the institutions without prior written permission from the office of the principal.
19. For any kind of misbehavior with staff or creating disturbances in classroom and in the college premises by a student or group of students, a full range of disciplinary action will be taken i.e. student will be expelled from the institute and depending upon his/her fault can be under legal action. A student expelled on disciplinary grounds will never be readmitted to this college.
20. If any student found in use of liquor or narcotics on hospital duty or in institute premises, he/she will be suspended from the institute for a specific period or be expelled from the institution.